Animation for All Episodes in the Works

Hi everyone! Nathan here again.  I've been making the attempt to keep things focused and to try to post regularly about the going on at Shembol Studio.  'Blender for All' has a lot of episodes lined up, so I'm not too worried about it, but 'Animation for All' needs a lot of improvement.  One thing I look at is what kind material aspiring animators look for.  Next, I look for what I know now.  Other things I've thought of have been artistic styles to bring in to an animation.  I've been working with Blender 3D for years now, and it's been great.  However, I've also found other platforms and resources to use to make my animations.  I have a lot of ideas for 'Animation for All', none of which is currently organized.  So I would like to hear from you, my community, of things you would want to see for animation tutorials.  Let me know what would be some topics of discussion you'd like to have in the series in the comments section below.  Thank you!
