Making an iPad Case in Blender | Nathan's 3D Factory

Hi folks! It's good to be sharing with you again.  In this episode of 'Nathan's 3D Factory', I'm making an iPad case in Blender.  This model will be made to export to Shapeways and sold there.  This is the first part of my work in progress.  I'm modeling the basic structure for the back of this iPad case.  In the next episode, I'll be doing the front of the iPad case and adding details to the case, such as locations to allow for the camera, plugin device locations, and other details.  Stay tuned for that show as well.  Also, I'll be taking feedback as to what type of material you'd like to see for this iPad case.  Feel free to follow along with this video.  I hope you enjoy this video and that you comment on my content.  Thanks!
